Foodies100 Index of UK Food Blogs
Morphy Richards

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Why we should eat grapefruits? Do grapefruits help us to becoming slimmer?

Vitamin C
Undoubtedly one of the greatest benefits of citrus fruit is high in vitamin C. The quantity of vitamin C in one grapefruit is sufficient to meet the daily needs of the human body for this component. you do not be worry to eat them.

You are on diet and you want to loss some weight 
One grapefruit provide about 100 kcal. It is worth to say that all citrus fruits especially grapefruit have a low glycemic index, and therefore do not cause spikes in glucose levels, and do not cause a faster feeling of hungry.

Dietary fiber and antioxidants 
Grapefruits contain significant amounts of precious fiber, which has a positive impact on the work of the digestive system. The antioxidants they contain, lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, enhance immunity, protect DNA from damage. They have antimicrobial activity and anti-inflammatory, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, and even neurodegenerative diseases (like Alzheimer's disease).

Grapefruits have detoxifying effects 
Another advantage of grapefruits is their detoxifying effects. The sour taste of citrus is associated with the current citric acid in them. It has been proved that regular consumption of grapefruit, protects against kidney stones. Citric acid along with vitamin C increases iron absorption. Therefore, grapefruit juice is the perfect drink with meals. But they should not be used for drinking when you swallow some medicines. Acidic and antioxidants in them may interact with certain drugs and potentiate or weaken the effects of medications.

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