Foodies100 Index of UK Food Blogs
Morphy Richards

Thursday 24 January 2013

The 5:2 intermittent fasting diet

From time to time I go on diet and I make a resolution to loose some weight. How about you?
I usually try to follow one of those popular diets the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, the protein diet, the cabbage soup diet, the baby food diet, the Hollywood diet.

Recently is 5:2 diet which is very very popular.

Dieta 5:2, why it is so popular and is it healthy?

The diet first reached the mainstream via a BBC Horizon documentary called Eat, Fast and Live Longer, broadcast in August 2012.
The 5:2 diet is based on a principle known as intermittent fasting (IF) – where you eat normally at certain times and then fast during other times.

Across seven days you eat normally for five days and on two non-consecutive days you stick to 500 calories (600 if you're a man). The 5:2 diet is also known as intermittent fasting.

As long as you don't binge on your 'feast' days, and make sure you stick to the calorie limit to your 'fast' days intermittent fasting has helped them lose weight, without the usual diet-related misery.

Fans of the 5:2 diet like its simplicity and flexibility. And if something unexpected comes up and we need to swap our fast day, we can.
Is the 5:2 diet healthy?
Most doctors and dieteticians say no. They claim that ss most very low-calorie diets is being bad for us and bound to fail that they slow down metabolism and once calorie intake goes up, our bodies store the energy as fat.
But the science seems to show that two days of fasting, non-consecutively, doesn't trigger this response and so we don't get locked into a demoralising fat-off, fat-on cycle.
Bad things are said about every kind of diet and doctors try to convinced us to balanced, healthy diet. However thousands of people go on diets, Atkins,proteins etc and many of them loose their weight, many of them start to eat healthy and they change their eating habits for better. So maybe these diets are not so bad, maybe they teach us something and help many of us have better live.
What do you think about these new diet, have you tried it, or maybe you have other methods to keep your weight unchanged?

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