Foodies100 Index of UK Food Blogs
Morphy Richards

Monday 25 February 2013

Breakfast! Don't look for excuses to not eat it!

I can't  imagine that I could leave the house without breakfast. For me it is the most important meal of the day. It gives me energy for entire day. It is not worth steer clear of breakfast, because it , turns up our metabolism which is important when you want to lose weight healthily and effectively. It is better to give up  the dinner, but breakfast should never be avoided.  

Researchers of University of Massechusstes have proven that people who do not eat breakfast are more likely to become obese and  have poor eating habits. During the day, they eat about 40% more sweets, drink more carbonated drinks, eat less fruit and vegetables than those who eat breakfast.
I do not have the time, I prefer to sleep longer, I'm not hungry in the morning, I am on diet  - as for me these excuses to not eat breakfast are not convincing.

Oatmeal, egg or scrambled eggs, fruit cocktail, milk coctail, wholegrain  sandwich with radish and cottage cheese are my favorite breakfasts and I do not need  much time to prepare them.

And what do you have for your breakfast?

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